
Over 800 beneficiaries were touched by the actions of Aspen’s team in Ukraine who adopted 4 worthy organisations in support of Mandela Day 2015.

The team in the west region provided support to the Khmelnytskyi Regional Hospital and the Kiev Support Center, while the east region volunteers made a difference for disabled veterans at the Kharkov Regional Hospital. Aspen volunteers from the south east region improved conditions for soldiers at the Military Hospital in Dnepropetrovsk.

Six employees spent Mandela Day at the Khmelnytskyi Hospital where they painted the ceiling and walls of the hall of the surgery department, as well as the floor in the hall and two wards. Much needed donations were provided to the Support Center for people from the east of Ukraine who have been displaced due to military action in the east of Ukraine. The Aspen team also made numerous improvements at the centre and cleaned up the environment for the refugees.

The gardens of the Kharkov Hospital received focused attention from a team of 6 employees who tended to the flowerbeds, cleared the pathways, cut the lawn, enhanced the gardens and provided pot plants. The disabled veterans at this regional hospital were very grateful for the kindness extended to them by Aspen Ukraine’s employees.

The Military hospital in Dnepropetrovsk cares for wounded soldiers and has numerous needs for improvements. With care and appreciation to the soldiers, the Aspen volunteers cleaned the wards, washed windows and floors, tended to the garden and walkways and painted areas that were in need of improvement.
