
Improving Sophia Housing for Dublin’s homeless

Our team at Aspen Ireland are renowned for making a MANDELA DAY difference in their community since 2014. This year they selected Sophia Housing (“Sophia”) in Dublin as their beneficiary.

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Established in July 1997, Sophia has been providing housing with support across Ireland for people who have experienced homelessness. Sophia's vision is for an Ireland where homelessness, and the trauma caused by homelessness, is eradicated from society. This trauma is compounded by poverty, exclusion, and neglect in its many forms. These people may have multiple support needs, requiring a response that places the person and their needs at the centre of what Sophia does best.

Our team took on numerous challenges to improve the appearance of Sophia Housing. Some 20 employees joined forces to sand and paint walls and the cast iron fountain, trim trees, weed the garden and power hose the property. This was a great effort which vastly improved the environment for the residents for whom Sopia is indeed their home.

Click here to watch our Mandela Day 2022 activity

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Aspen Ireland team Mandela Day 2022
Sophia Housing Logo