United Arab Emirates
Enjoying interactive, fun time with special needs students
The team from Aspen Health Care in Dubai are long term supporters of our Group-wide Mandela Day campaign. Each year, they passionately reach out to make a difference and this year they supported the Special Needs Future Development Centre (“SNF”) in Mankhool and the Labour Camps in Alqoz.

SNF focuses on empowering young adults with special needs by offering personalized and professional support to students above the age of fourteen years. SNF’s goal is to aid them in becoming self-sufficient personally and professionally.
We had the pleasure of spending an interactive, fun time with 20 of the students and enjoyed doing arts and crafts activities with them.
Art is known to be therapeutic for all as it engages the senses, allows artistic styles and textures, thereby challenging our imagination and creativity.

As a consequence of COVID-19 restrictions we were not granted access to the Labour camps in Alqoz, but ensured that they received our donations of non-perishable food, clothing, toiletries and other items.