Aspen Australia’s employees once again embarked on extensive initiatives to help feed the less fortunate. The team engaged in four projects over 5 days in association with Foodbank New South Wales (NSW), OzHarvest, Eastern Food Alliance and FareShare.
A team of 55 Aspen employees assisted in feeding the homeless, destitute and hungry by packing food and home ware hampers and also helped to cook meals in Sydney and Melbourne. During the 5 days of volunteering projects Aspen Australia made a difference in the lives of about 5000 people in their local communities.
Foodbank NWS delivers up to 5.3 million meals a year while OzHarvest provides about 441, 500 meals per month
to the hungry. Eastern Food Alliance provides in excess of 600kgs of fresh produce a day to the homeless in Melbourne’s northern suburbs
and FareShare provides warm, fresh cooked meals to over 1 million homeless people in Melbourne.
Aspen Australia’s employees once again embarked on extensive initiatives to help feed the less fortunate. The team engaged in four projects over 5 days in association with Foodbank New South Wales (NSW), OzHarvest, Eastern Food Alliance and FareShare.
A team of 55 Aspen employees assisted in feeding the homeless, destitute and hungry by packing food and home ware hampers and also helped to cook meals. During the 5 days of volunteering projects Aspen Australia made a difference in the lives of about 5000 people in their local communities.
Foodbank NWS delivers up to 5.3 million meals a year while OzHarvest provides about 441, 500 meals per month to the hungry. Eastern Food Alliance provides in excess of 600kgs of fresh produce a day to the homeless in Melbourne’s northern suburbs and FareShare provides warm, fresh cooked meals to over 1 million homeless people in Melbourne.