
Feeding the hungry across Australia

Across the nation, 60 Aspen Australia employees came together, united by the same cause for Mandela Day.

We joined charities across the country that all provide food and support to the hungry and those who are less fortunate. We put away our work boots, laptops and lab coats and took up hair knits, aprons and gardening gloves.

In South Australia, Queensland and Western Australia, our volunteers assisted with packing and preparing donated food for Food Bank, a not for profit charitable organisation that collects and distributes food to the hungry and less fortunate nationwide.

Our team in New South Wales had a cooking session with OzHarvest who collect food and supplies from various sources to then cook and distribute warm meals to the homeless across the country. Our volunteers participated in prepping, chopping, cooking and cleaning!

The Victorian team were able to participate in two activities for Fare Share, another non-profit that strives towards no food wastage and a society where no one goes hungry. Our two groups assisted in both the preparation and cooking of food to be distributed to the hungry and also helped in the Fare Share garden, where vegetables and herbs are grown for use in their kitchens.

We received incredible feedback from all Aspen employees who volunteered and who said that the experience was a huge eye opener. It was a stark reminder that no matter what corner of the world you are from, there are always those who need a helping hand and there will always be those willing to help to make a difference. We did so because we care!
