South Africa
Fine Chemicals Corporation (FCC) selected the Leaky Shack Foundation for its Mandela Day initiative.
The foundation is a community based project in Heideveld an area which is the heart of a community over ridden with crime and substance abuse. The Foundation was officially registered on 11 April 2018 at the Department of Social Development and has been running in the community of Heideveld for the past 2 years prior to the registration.
Leaky Shack Foundation strives ease the pain of poverty through their daily feeding schemes and to empower the youth through active life skills programs and to uplift women and elderly in the community through motivational classes and inspirational sessions focusing on everyday challenges.
FCC chose to contribute towards the sustainability of the foundation by committing funds to purchase critical supplies for the feeding scheme for 3 months, a gas stove and tank, stationery and rent to secure training venues. Donations of food and snack packs were also provided to feed over 250 community members.
Overcoming poverty is not a not a gesture of charity, it is an act of justice. These are the wise words of Nelson Mandela it reiterates the importance of helping your fellow man and at FCC we strive to live out the company values which helped us make the day a success by taking into consideration that teamwork is required to work as a unit, integrity to prove that we are true to our cause, innovation to show that we are able to find various ways to give back to the community, excellence by ensuring all interactions with the community were held to a good standard and the commitmentall FCC staff showed to the foundation.