Small things make a big difference
This year, Aspen Peru supported San Lorenzo, a socially vulnerable community, located in a underprivileged sector of Lima City, that offers educational support to 163 children and teenagers, between three and seventeen years of age. These students come from very poor families and many of them are under nourished and experience hunger daily.
Since this place is characterized by its extreme poverty, the infrastructure, facilities, educational, nutritional and health conditions are not adequate to offer proper education to the children.
This prompted 38 Aspen Peru employees to spend time playing with the children, teaching them basics such as identifying colours and numbers as well as psychomotor activities.
The generous team, with the support of suppliers, also donated 1545 school items such as chairs, shawls, balls and teaching aids valued at nearly US$350.
Being able to make a small difference in the lives of these children resonated with the team who was reminded of the many blessings that they enjoy daily.