South Africa
Empowering students at Dulcie September Primary School
Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change your world a powerful quote from former President Nelson Mandela.
Accordingly, this year Aspen Pharmacare dedicated its Mandela Day initiative towards the Dulcie September Primary School, which is based in an underprivileged and resource constrained community of Rabie Ridge in Midrand. Students at the school were subjected to dilapidated, containerized classrooms, many without electricity or other teaching amenities and the ablution facilities in the school has virtually collapsed.
In a country such as South Africa, with significant pockets of unemployment, poverty and inequality, we believe that the best way to empower people and lift them out of poverty is through education. Dulcie September Primary School was selected for these reasons and Aspen’s Johannesburg-based team dedicated a significant amount of time and effort in electrifying a number of classrooms, upgrading and restoring others, providing new teaching amenities and restoring the ablution facilities.
The excitement and moral boost for staff and scholars was culpable and will provide for better conditions for both teachers and scholars. In conducting the handover, Stavros Nicolaou of Aspen mentioned to Government Officials present, the School Governing Board, the Headmaster and Teachers and Pupils present that ͞Aspen believes that our future lies in the hands of our youth and it is critical that our youth are given every opportunity to study and learn in order that South Africa solves its unemployment and becomes more globally competitive. Aspen shares Madiba’s value system and principles and his attitude towards education. The handover of a refurbished school in an under resourced community is testament to this and allows us to continue living Madiba’s legacy.͟