Russia – Tula Region
Showing love to 140 orphans in Tula
Four Aspen employees and a family member set out on 21 July 2023 to bring some visual joy to children at the Tula Regional Specialized Children’s Home №1.

This orphanage, originally established in 1923, became known as the House of the Baby. Since its redevelopment in 1986 to a specialised institution, it currently accommodates over 140 children with cerebral palsy, mental disorders, and organic central nervous system lesions. The latter condition relates to a group of neuropsychic disorders resulting from the influence of pathological factors on the brain at different stages of ontogenetic development – development that occurs as a function of experience rather than as a function of the genetic make-up of an individual.
Aspen’s Olga Bocharova, Natalia Bondarenko, Ekaterina Boni (and her son Ivan) together with Lyubov Loseva chose to paint the children’s benches and play area at the Orphanage.
This action was highly appreciated given the benefits of creating a stimulating, vibrant visual environment which solicits positive emotions.
Donations of infant diapers and other baby items were also gratefully received by the Home’s management team.