Russia | Volga Region
There is no gesture too great or too small when it comes from a willing heart!
The team from the Volga Region adopted a simple slogan – 'Let's help where we can', and so they did!
The small morning market in Kazan was their first port of call. Loving grannies tried to sell the team all their delicious fresh produce. They were so tempted and bought as much as they could which restored some of these elderly ladies pride at being able to go home having earned a good wage for the day.
The Aspen volunteers also chose to give back to society by donating blood. They visited blood donation banks in Sumara, Kirov and Kazan city and gave precious blood that could help to save a life or, at least, treat seriously ill patients.
In the city of Ulyanovsk, Aspen employee Olga and and her daughter Anya visited the Flora and Lavra pet care centre. At that time, this facility was accommodating 29 stray cats and 11 abandoned dogs, who would hopefully all go to good homes in due course.
Their donations of food and their help to clean the areas where the animals live, was very warmly received. The experience was so touching that Olga and Anya have decided to return as volunteers but the next time they’ll do so together with some friends!