South Africa – Cape Town
FCC’s inspirational spirit of Ubuntu and collaboration
As the country continues to face significant socio-economic challenges, the situation for those who depend on aid from corporate South Africa has become increasingly heightened.
Hilton Mentor, General Manager FCC said, “For more than a decade FCC has demonstrated care to the most vulnerable in the Western Cape and we are honored to be able to continue supporting and collaborating with those who need it most. Our employees are the heroes behind our Mandela Day Initiative, and they strongly believe in the spirit of Ubuntu: I am because you are. This year they again volunteered in unprecedented ways, and we look forward to adding value to our communities for many years by serving with a spirit of commitment, teamwork, integrity, innovation, and respect.”
Our 2023 Mandela Day initiative theme is underscored by Nelson Mandela’s words:
“What counts in life is not the mere fact that we have lived. It is what difference we have made to the lives of others that will determine the significance of the life we lead.”

This year we embarked on a new and exciting approach by hosting three pre-identified worthy beneficiaries at our site in Cape Town on 31 August.
One could feel the excitement in the air with the arrival of our guests from Leliebloem House, Fikelela Children’s Centre and Life Circle Development Centre.
The aim of the meeting was to discuss opportunities to collaborate and to build sustainable long term partnerships, which we are confident was achieved.
During discussions, Chloë Lakay, FCC Women’s Forum Chairperson, alluded to her university tenure when students volunteered weekly at the Leliebloem House. They supported the children with tutoring and with homework. These interactions had a life-changing impact through the heart-wrenching experiences that the children shared with her. These encounters encouraged her to give back to the community and the FCC Women’s Forum has since pledged to offer ongoing support to the beneficiaries. Initiatives planned for the year include raising funds and collecting clothing, sanitary towels, toys, and stationery for these organisations.

Leliebloem House; and Claudine Joshua, Leliebloem House.
Back Center: Hilton Mentor, FCC GM. Front Center: Sydney Nkanka, Fikelela Children’s Home.
The beneficiaries had previously also shared a common need to provide a daily meal to the children and the elderly who they care for. FCC collected groceries, detergent, gas cylinders, school shoes, new linen and curtains, medication, first aid kits, seeds and tools for sustainable gardening, kitchen appliances, indoor and outdoor furniture and donated this together with R70 000 which was shared between the three organisations.

Front left to right: Adele Warner; Ahistha Chanerika; Dorothy Lamb; Haidee Williams; Shonel Abels; Chloë Lakay.

About our beneficiaries
Leliebloem House is a humanitarian service that was established in 1869. This home cares for about 60 children aged four to 18 years who have been removed from troubled families by Child Protection Agencies with orders from the Children’s Court. The children receive specialist care and participate in residential care programmes. Leliebloem also works within the children’s communities and families to improve the circumstances from which they were removed.
Fikelela Children’s Centre houses children who have been neglected, abused, orphaned, and who suffer from HIV/Aids. After the COVID-19 pandemic, the Centre has received significantly reduced funding and found itself in dire straits. While support is gratefully received from church groups, these donations are insufficient and do not cover the higher costs of the current economic climate.
Life Circle Development Centre is a refuge for young and old people with disabilities. The main objectives of the centre include conducting training and awareness programmes about issues pertaining to disabilities, advocating for one-half of persons with disabilities, promoting independence and equality to persons with disabilities, providing counseling to families and parents of children with disabilities and encouraging peer and parent support programmes within communities.