South Africa Cape Town
Supporting our future generation during COVID-19
Each year Fine Chemicals Corporation (FCC) selects a worthy beneficiary to support for Mandela Day and this year we assisted Might Minds Educare located in Heideveld, Cape Town. This educational institution, like the majority of our previous beneficiaries, is situated in the heart of a gang infested community littered with substance abuse and poverty.
COVID-19 restrictions resulted in the Educare being temporarily closed, which left more than 50 learners without education, and, for some, without a daily serving of food.
Mighty Minds Educare was established in January 2007 and, prior to COVID-19, it accommodated approximately 115 learners from two to five years of age. This group of 52 girls and 63 boys was however drastically reduced due to the pandemic and, at the time of our initiative, only comprised 50 learners and 8 educators.

We are aligned to Nelson Mandela's vision and his call to, “Recommit to work towards our common goal: A nation where all of us are winners, all of us have shelter, food and education." We are also committed to investing in future generations which will yield positive results for South Africa. Mighty Minds is striving to become recognised as a school of excellence and their educators are equally passionate about investing in their learners. They take particular care to adhere to the Early Childhood Development (ECD) curriculum and ensure that parents receive regular progress reports. Each year Mighty Minds graduates 40-45 children who feed into the local Primary School. Their standards are highly regarded and the foundation that they provide to their learners is invaluable.

One of their immediate needs included implementing stringent COVID-19 sanitizing and social distancing protocols called for by the ECD, before the center would be permitted to reopen.
Coronavirus and the associated lock-down has left many citizens in dire circumstances with vast numbers needing to take salary cuts and some losing their employment. Heideveld residents have also been severely affected and many are unable to pay crèche fees for their children. This in turn resulted in the center being unable to purchase the items needed to achieve COVID-19 hygiene compliance.

FCC's PPE-clad volunteers took extensive precautions and assisted in sanitizing and preparing the center ahead of the ECD inspection and re-opening which was scheduled to take place on 12 August 2020. Further, a Mandela Day donation of R55 000 provided for, among others, supplies of hand and surface sanitizer, wet wipes, groceries, a thermometer, a gas stove and gas tank, toiletries, stationery, furniture and mattresses.
Our team was privileged to help and we are keenly aware of the trials and tribulations faced by this community. We were equally humbled by the immense appreciation shown by the Educare's management for the small role that we have played in contributing to Heideveld's future generation.