South Africa
Aspen's South African Operations in Port Elizabeth have selected three beneficiaries while the East London business has chosen one worthy recipient for support on Mandela Day.
Port Elizabeth's Mandela Day Activities
The employees of Aspen's flagship manufacturing site in Port Elizabeth are providing support to the Missionvale Care Centre in Algoa Park, the Sinethemba Children's Home in Korsten and the Echo Foundation in the Walmer Township.
Aspen's South African Operations staff have generously donated food and clothing to the Missionvale Care Centre and will be providing these gifts to the community on July 18. In addition, 20 employees will support the Centre for two shifts of 4 to 6 hours per shift at which time assistance will be provided in the Wellness Centre, Classrooms, kitchen and to sort through the donated clothing.
Ten Aspen employees will be visiting the Sinethemba Children's Home on Mandela Day to assist in refurbishing the home. A range of activities will be conducted including painting rooms, installing shelving and making provision for storage facilities.
Hygiene products have been donated and these have been compiled into gift bags for the residents of the Echo Foundation. These will also be delivered on Mandela Day.
East London's Mandela Day Activities
Staff at Aspen's manufacturing site in East London have made a heartfelt effort and collected an extensive range of items to donate to the Sange Child and Youth Centre in Arnoldton, East London.
The Centre has a variety of desperate needs and employees have contributed clothes, bedding, curtaining, toys and foodstuff for the Centre. Aspen's maintenance staff have spent three days installing shelving and cupboard doors while valued Aspen contractors have erected isopanelling to make provide for an additional extra bedrooms. ACS has covered all costs to arrange for municipal water to be connected to the house as they were previously using borehole water with no water pressure. In addition to the donations received from staff, the Centre will also be painted, curtains will be hung, bedrooms improved, enhancements made to the garden, a washing line will be installed and a sports area will be prepared for safe play.
About the Missionvale Care Centre
The Missionvale Care Centre is an interdenominational, non profit organisation that operates in the extremely poor informal shack land of Missionvale outside Port Elizabeth, and provides love and care to the poor and destitute with particular emphasis on those living with HIV/Aids. Approximately 130 000 people receive daily sustenance from the Centre which offers a range of facilities including education, medical care, social services and nutritional programmes. Nearly 1500 basic meals of soup and bread are provided to underprivileged members of the community each day. The Missionvale Care Centre also provides much needed clothing to some 600 families each month.
About the Sinethemba Children's Home
This Children's Home in Korsten, Port Ellizabeth, provides shelter and care to 26 abandoned children who are aged between 1 and 18 years. This home cares for 13 boys and 13 girls.
About the Eco Foundation
There is an increasing need to care for the elderly who either have no families or have been abandoned or neglected by their families. The Echo Foundation in the Walmer Township is such a facility that provides a home to a home and care to 14 frail elderly residents who are unable to take care of themselves.
About Sange Child and Youth Centre
The centre is a home to 44 children aged between 2 and 19 years and receives no government support, making it entirely dependent upon the generosity of the local community.