Russia – Ural Region Aspen Russia’s retail team in the Ural Region supported seven beneficiaries in celebration of the Group’s 2023 Mandela Day programme.
Russia – Moscow Aspen Russia’s team in Moscow showed care to the children at Pushkinsky Centre for Families and Children with numerous Mandela Day activities
Russia – Tula Region Aspen Russia’s employees based in Tula set out on 21 July 2023 to bring some visual joy to children at the Tula Regional Specialized Children’s Home №1.
Ukraine Employees from Aspen’s offices in Ukraine and Poland cheered up 20 children from Dom Dziecka Skarbek orphanage in Polkowicach for Mandela Day
Poland Employees from Aspen’s offices in Poland and Ukraine cheered up 20 children from Dom Dziecka Skarbek orphanage in Polkowicach for Mandela Day